Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) Delivering SIGTTO LICOS Training Course Remotely in Cyprus
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) has become one of the very few organisations within the industry with this capability that meet the high standards of the Society of International Gas Tanker & Terminal Operators (SIGTTO). DNV GL class approval ahs been given to BSM and now it can offer the Liquified Cargo Operations (LICOS) training course remotely via its Maritime Training Centre (MTC) in Cyprus.
To ensure that seafarers across the industry obtaining and retaining required competencies prior to serving on LPG and LNG vessels, BSM guarantees steady training delivery to its internal gas fleet as well as to external customers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
BSM also offers three other gas-related remote training courses targeting the relevant crew who sail on board liquified gas carriers, particularly those who are responsible for the safe planning and execution of operations related to cargo on board. With LNG currently being the fastest growing natural energy source, favoured by the shipping industry, BSM’s simulator-based online courses ensure crew are competent to operate the vessel in a safe and efficient manner.
Andrew Hall, General Manager HR Marine at BSM says,
“Our aim is to maintain the highest standards of delivery to seafarers without them needing to physically travel to a training centre and expose themselves to unnecessary health risks. The addition of the SIGTTO course to our online catalogue complements our offering greatly in supporting the competence development of our LNG crews“
He also concludes,
“Online remote delivery in the industry is here to stay, many courses previously delivered in our training centres and now delivered remotely have been carefully evaluated to ensure we maintain full knowledge transfer, that is most important to us”.
SIGTTO Director David Furnival comments on the online training course,
“As we are moving towards a more decarbonised world and demands for liquified gases are rising, the gas shipping sector is facing new challenges, such as equipping seafarers with the right skills and competences for safe cargo operations. BSM’s bespoke online training programme meets the sophisticated SIGTTO requirements and imparts expertise that is instrumental in developing the next generation of seafarers“.
For more information on BSM’s online training course, click here.
Image Credit: Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM)