UK multi-faceted design engineering company Dyena Systems announced the release of SeaTRAX, a new vessel monitoring solution that provides real time information for pilot vessels.
Managing Director of Dyena Systems, James Glover commented:
“SeaTRAX was developed in collaboration with PD Ports in the UK and the Australian Reef Pilots to provide a system that directly meets their needs. The system is very simple to fit and works straight out of the box with a clear and intuitive display. SeaTRAX is intended to be a stand-alone system, but we can expand the capabilities and link it with our other products if the customer requires more features.”
SeaTRAX is designed to meet the requirements of pilot vessels. It helps vessel operator in the transit and transfer phase, allowing the skipper to monitor all motion parameters and make an objective assessment of the conditions.
Real-time information on vessel pitch, roll and heave are displayed alongside the impact and vibrations received by vessel and crew. The skipper can make an objective assessment of the conditions and alter plans or course to increase efficiency or reduce risk. Data can also be downloaded for reporting or analysis.
The intuitive layout is simple to read in all conditions, with current and peak readings displayed graphically and numerically on the 7” touch screen, which is dimmable for night operations.
The SeaTRAX compact base unit is mounted to the vessel and a remote sensor attaches to the coxswains seat. Extra remote sensors can be added to measure accelerations throughout the vessel or monitor the Whole Body Vibration exposure of other crew and passengers. Installation is simple with all cables and connectors supplied.
PD Ports’ Conservancy Operations Manager, Andrew Ridley added:
“Dyena SeaTRAX is installed on our latest pilot boat, Stainsby. This state-of-the-art vessel was built to our specifications to provide the best possible working environment for the crew and SeaTRAX gives the skipper real-time information, allowing them to adjust course or speed to improve fuel efficiency and crew comfort. Following our successful trials, we will be installing SeaTRAX across our fleet.”
Credit: Dyena Systems