The technology group Wärtsilä will provide grid balancing services and reserve power to Scotland’s Shetland Islands with the supply of its advanced energy storage system.
The system is being supplied to Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Distribution, which belongs to the regulated businesses of SSE plc, one of the UK’s largest utilities. The system will deliver 8 MW/6 MWh of power when operational. Wärtsilä will support the installation with a ten-year service agreement, which includes maintenance for the software and hardware system components, as well as 24/7 remote support and management. The order was booked by Wärtsilä in December.
The energy storage system will be installed at the Lerwick Power Station, operated by SSEN in Lerwick, the Islands’ capital. The power station is the main generator for the local grid and the Wärtsilä energy storage solution will provide spinning reserve capacity, while also facilitating further integration of wind power into the system. The energy system will follow the grid and save on spinning reserve, which helps to save fuel and lessen CO2 emissions. The solution will also facilitate the integration of wind turbine-generated electricity into the grid, providing further stability to the entire energy system
Darren Hitchin, Embedded Generation Manager at Lerwick Power Station said: “as the electricity distribution network operator responsible for ensuring homes and businesses in Shetland receive a safe, secure and reliable supply of electricity, we’re investing in Lerwick Power Station to support full duty operations of the station until Shetland is connected to the GB electricity system. A reliable supply of electricity is essential to the local community and the North Sea oil companies operating out of Shetland, which is 200 kilometres from the northern tip of Scotland. The Wärtsilä energy storage system will enhance the islands’ security of supply, while at the same time lowering our carbon footprint.”
“Wärtsilä and SSEN maintain a long-lasting business relationship over the past two decades. We are very pleased to continue this cooperation by deploying our advanced energy storage system at Lerwick Power Station, which makes us part of Shetland Islands’ energy system. The GridSolv Max energy storage solution will support the power station’s spinning reserve functionality and can provide black start back-up,” commented Bent Iversen, Senior Business Development Manager, Wärtsilä Energy.
The project is being delivered by Wärtsilä under a full engineering, procurement, and construction contract. The system includes the company’s GridSolv Max product, a standardised energy storage solution that provides modular storage for the core hardware assets of the system, including batteries, a safety and fire system, and inverters, alongside the proprietary energy management platform GEMS. GEMS manages and optimises entire energy ecosystems to provide the desired outcomes at the lowest cost. The software can integrate multiple generation sources seamlessly. The system is expected to be delivered by mid-summer 2021 and become fully operational in September.
Source: Wärtsilä